Collection: Fly Protection

Flies and biting insects can become a real problem for horses and ponies, particularly during the warmer summer months. The impact of horseflies in particular can be hugely problematic, making horses miserable, or possibly even unrideable. For the comfort and safety of horses there is a wide range of fly protection masks, and fly repellant sprays and lotions.

Equi News

Horse care and management has such a vast amount of discussion topics, you are always going to learn something new or hear new points of view or ways of doing things. Here we have a blog for discussing everything and anything related to horse care. If you wish to feature as a guest blog please use the contact form and let us know.

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Schooling Exercises

We know just how hard it is for the leisure rider to keep motivated and to keep the schooling sessions interesting for both you and your horse. This section is designed to help out with a few ideas to change up your schooling sessions a little bit.
